Alec Ash

These are the longform articles I am reading right now (updated automatically via Instapaper):

How Chinese Students Experience America

The Deaths of Effective Altruism

China’s Age of Malaise

Threads in the Cosmos: A Translated Chinese Sci-Fi Short Story

The Last Glimpses of California's Vanishing Hippie Utopias

Why the Godfather of A.I. Fears What He’s Built

Hasan Minhaj’s “Emotional Truths”

The Grievance Artist | Mark Danner

‘Europe Whole and Free’ | Timothy Garton Ash

How to Deal with the Chinese Revolution | China Books Review


A BBC Book of the Week

"A talented young observer of today’s China" – Peter Hessler

"Lyrical ... a telling portrait" – Washington Post

"Alive with the full complications of truth" – Evan Osnos

"Compelling and beautifully written" – Prospect